Thursday, January 31, 2013

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

a.) I, Ricardo Mendoza, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b.) Two coworkers of my father Jose and Johnny as well as my father helped me complete my independent component by guiding me through any difficulty I had.  They also explained as the project went on what components of the engine do what which was very helpful.
c.) Independent Component Hour Log
d.) In my 45 hours of working, I completely disassembled and assembled a 4 cylinder Toyota engine.  I familiarized myself with the tools that are necessary for engine work as well as all of the components of the engine.
After working for over 30 hours in a shop working on this 4 cylinder engine I feel I have become very accustomed to working in a garage setting.  Knowing your tools is a very key part of being able to do any work on cars and I know now how to properly identify bolt sizes on the spot to make my work faster and more efficient.  Also, by taking apart the engine piece by piece I feel I have learned better how an engine works and how all the parts work internally.

Water Pump
This is the engine complete with the heads and block in tact.
The valve cover off. Those are the camshafts.


The heads.
Engine block.


Considering that knowing how to set up a car properly is one of my possible answers for my essential question understanding the main components of a car will be a really huge help when doing further research.  I will be able to better visualize the components of the car.  This will also help me when I begin to work on my own car if I get the chance.  I will know the right tools to use as well as the proper techniques to implement when getting the job done.

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